- accept - accepted - accepted - accepting
- achieve - achieved - achieved - achieving
- act - acted - acted - acting
- add - added - added - adding
- adjust - adjusted - adjusted - adjusting
- admire - admired - admired - admiring
- admit - admitted - admitted - admitting
- adopt - adopted - adopted - adopting
- advance - advanced - advanced - advancing
- advise - advised - advised - advising
- agree - agreed - agreed - agreeing
- aim - aimed - aimed - aiming
- alert - alerted - alerted - alerting
- allow - allowed - allowed - allowing
- amaze - amazed - amazed - amazing
- analyze - analyzed - analyzed - analyzing
- announce - announced - announced - announcing
- answer - answered - answered - answering
- apologize - apologized - apologized - apologizing
- appear - appeared - appeared - appearing
- applaud - applauded - applauded - applauding
- apply - applied - applied - applying
- appreciate - appreciated - appreciated - appreciating
- argue - argued - argued - arguing
- arise - arose - arisen - arising
- arrange - arranged - arranged - arranging
- arrive - arrived - arrived - arriving
- ask - asked - asked - asking
- assess - assessed - assessed - assessing
- assist - assisted - assisted - assisting
- attack - attacked - attacked - attacking
- attempt - attempted - attempted - attempting
- attend - attended - attended - attending
- attract - attracted - attracted - attracting
- avoid - avoided - avoided - avoiding
- bake - baked - baked - baking
- balance - balanced - balanced - balancing
- ban - banned - banned - banning
- bang - banged - banged - banging
- bathe - bathed - bathed - bathing
- battle - battled - battled - battling
- beam - beamed - beamed - beaming
- bear - bore - borne - bearing
- beat - beat - beaten - beating
- become - became - become - becoming
- beg - begged - begged - begging
- behave - behaved - behaved - behaving
- believe - believed - believed - believing
- belong - belonged - belonged - belonging
- bend - bent - bent - bending
- benefit - benefited - benefited - benefiting
- bet - bet - bet - betting
- betray - betrayed - betrayed - betraying
- bid - bid - bid - bidding
- bind - bound - bound - binding
- bite - bit - bitten - biting
- blame - blamed - blamed - blaming
- bless - blessed - blessed - blessing
- blink - blinked - blinked - blinking
- block - blocked - blocked - blocking
- blow - blew - blown - blowing
- boast - boasted - boasted - boasting
- boil - boiled - boiled - boiling
- borrow - borrowed - borrowed - borrowing
- bother - bothered - bothered - bothering
- bounce - bounced - bounced - bouncing
- bow - bowed - bowed - bowing
- box - boxed - boxed - boxing
- brake - braked - braked - braking
- branch - branched - branched - branching
- breathe - breathed - breathed - breathing
- brush - brushed - brushed - brushing
- bubble - bubbled - bubbled - bubbling
- build - built - built - building
- burn - burned/burnt - burned/burnt - burning
- bury - buried - buried - burying
- buy - bought - bought - buying
- buzz - buzzed - buzzed - buzzing
- calculate - calculated - calculated - calculating
- call - called - called - calling
- camp - camped - camped - camping
- cancel - canceled/cancelled - canceled/cancelled - canceling/cancelling
- capture - captured - captured - capturing
- care - cared - cared - caring
- carry - carried - carried - carrying
- carve - carved - carved - carving
- catch - caught - caught - catching
- cause - caused - caused - causing
- celebrate - celebrated - celebrated - celebrating
- challenge - challenged - challenged - challenging
- change - changed - changed - changing
- charge - charged - charged - charging
- chase - chased - chased - chasing
- chat - chatted - chatted - chatting
- check - checked - checked - checking
- cheer - cheered - cheered - cheering
- chew - chewed - chewed - chewing
- choose - chose - chosen - choosing
- circle - circled - circled - circling
- claim - claimed - claimed - claiming
- clap - clapped - clapped - clapping
- clarify - clarified - clarified - clarifying
- classify - classified - classified - classifying
- clean - cleaned - cleaned - cleaning
- clear - cleared - cleared - clearing
- click - clicked - clicked - clicking
- climb - climbed - climbed - climbing
- cling - clung - clung - clinging
- close - closed - closed - closing
- coach - coached - coached - coaching
- collect - collected - collected - collecting
- color - colored/coloured - colored/coloured - coloring/colouring
- come - came - come - coming
- comfort - comforted - comforted - comforting
- command - commanded - commanded - commanding
- communicate - communicated - communicated - communicating
- compare - compared - compared - comparing
- compete - competed - competed - competing
- complain - complained - complained - complaining
- complete - completed - completed - completing
- concentrate - concentrated - concentrated - concentrating
- concern - concerned - concerned - concerning
- confess - confessed - confessed - confessing
- confirm - confirmed - confirmed - confirming
- confuse - confused - confused - confusing
- connect - connected - connected - connecting
- conquer - conquered - conquered - conquering
- consider - considered - considered - considering
- consist - consisted - consisted - consisting
- contain - contained - contained - containing
- continue - continued - continued - continuing
- cook - cooked - cooked - cooking
- copy - copied - copied - copying
- correct - corrected - corrected - correcting
- cost - cost - cost - costing
- count - counted - counted - counting
- cover - covered - covered - covering
- crack - cracked - cracked - cracking
- crash - crashed - crashed - crashing
- crawl - crawled - crawled - crawling
- create - created - created - creating
- criticize - criticized - criticized - criticizing
- cross - crossed - crossed - crossing
- crush - crushed - crushed - crushing
- cry - cried - cried - crying
- cure - cured - cured - curing
- curl - curled - curled - curling
- curse - cursed - cursed - cursing
- cut - cut - cut - cutting
- cycle - cycled - cycled - cycling
- damage - damaged - damaged - damaging
- dance - danced - danced - dancing
- dare - dared - dared - daring
- deal - dealt - dealt - dealing
- debate - debated - debated - debating
- decay - decayed - decayed - decaying
- decide - decided - decided - deciding
- decorate - decorated - decorated - decorating
- decrease - decreased - decreased - decreasing
- defend - defended - defended - defending
- define - defined - defined - defining
- delay - delayed - delayed - delaying
- delegate - delegated - delegated - delegating
- deliver - delivered - delivered - delivering
- demand - demanded - demanded - demanding
- demolish - demolished - demolished - demolishing
- demonstrate - demonstrated - demonstrated - demonstrating
- deny - denied - denied - denying
- depend - depended - depended - depending
- describe - described - described - describing
- deserve - deserved - deserved - deserving
- design - designed - designed - designing
- destroy - destroyed - destroyed - destroying
- detail - detailed - detailed - detailing
- detect - detected - detected - detecting
- develop - developed - developed - developing
- die - died - died - dying
- differ - differed - differed - differing
- dig - dug - dug - digging
- direct - directed - directed - directing
- disagree - disagreed - disagreed - disagreeing
- disappear - disappeared - disappeared - disappearing
- disappoint - disappointed - disappointed - disappointing
- discover - discovered - discovered - discovering
- discuss - discussed - discussed - discussing
- dislike - disliked - disliked - disliking
- display - displayed - displayed - displaying
- dispose - disposed - disposed - disposing
- disrupt - disrupted - disrupted - disrupting
- dissolve - dissolved - dissolved - dissolving
- distinguish - distinguished - distinguished - distinguishing
- distribute - distributed - distributed - distributing
- dive - dived/dove - dived - diving
- divide - divided - divided - dividing
- do - did - done - doing
- donate - donated - donated - donating
- doubt - doubted - doubted - doubting
- drag - dragged - dragged - dragging
- drain - drained - drained - draining
- draw - drew - drawn - drawing
- dream - dreamed/dreamt - dreamed/dreamt - dreaming
- dress - dressed - dressed - dressing
- drink - drank - drunk - drinking
- drive - drove - driven - driving
- drop - dropped - dropped - dropping
- dry - dried - dried - drying
- dump - dumped - dumped - dumping
- dwell - dwelled/dwelt - dwelled/dwelt - dwelling
- dye - dyed - dyed - dyeing
- earn - earned - earned - earning
- eat - ate - eaten - eating
- educate - educated - educated - educating
- embarrass - embarrassed - embarrassed - embarrassing
- emphasize - emphasized - emphasized - emphasizing
- employ - employed - employed - employing
- empty - emptied - emptied - emptying
- encourage - encouraged - encouraged - encouraging
- end - ended - ended - ending
- endorse - endorsed - endorsed - endorsing
- endure - endured - endured - enduring
- enforce - enforced - enforced - enforcing
- engage - engaged - engaged - engaging
- enhance - enhanced - enhanced - enhancing
- enjoy - enjoyed - enjoyed - enjoying
- enlighten - enlightened - enlightened - enlightening
- enter - entered - entered - entering
- entertain - entertained - entertained - entertaining
- escape - escaped - escaped - escaping
- establish - established - established - establishing
- evaluate - evaluated - evaluated - evaluating
- evade - evaded - evaded - evading
- examine - examined - examined - examining
- exceed - exceeded - exceeded - exceeding
- exchange - exchanged - exchanged - exchanging
- excite - excited - excited - exciting
- exclude - excluded - excluded - excluding
- excuse - excused - excused - excusing
- execute - executed - executed - executing
- exercise - exercised - exercised - exercising
- exhibit - exhibited - exhibited - exhibiting
- exist - existed - existed - existing
- expand - expanded - expanded - expanding
- expect - expected - expected - expecting
- experience - experienced - experienced - experiencing
- explain - explained - explained - explaining
- explode - exploded - exploded - exploding
- explore - explored - explored - exploring
- export - exported - exported - exporting
- expose - exposed - exposed - exposing
- express - expressed - expressed - expressing
- extend - extended - extended - extending
- extract - extracted - extracted - extracting
- face - faced - faced - facing
- fail - failed - failed - failing
- fall - fell - fallen - falling
- fascinate - fascinated - fascinated - fascinating
- fasten - fastened - fastened - fastening
- favor - favored - favored - favoring/favouring
- fear - feared - feared - fearing
- feed - fed - fed - feeding
- feel - felt - felt - feeling
- fetch - fetched - fetched - fetching
- fight - fought - fought - fighting
- fill - filled - filled - filling
- find - found - found - finding
- finish - finished - finished - finishing
- fit - fit/fitted - fit/fitted - fitting
- fix - fixed - fixed - fixing
- flash - flashed - flashed - flashing
- flee - fled - fled - fleeing
- float - floated - floated - floating
- flood - flooded - flooded - flooding
- flow - flowed - flowed - flowing
- fluctuate - fluctuated - fluctuated - fluctuating
- fly - flew - flown - flying
- focus - focused/focussed - focused/focussed - focusing/focussing
- fold - folded - folded - folding
- follow - followed - followed - following
- forbid - forbade - forbidden - forbidding
- force - forced - forced - forcing
- forecast - forecast - forecast - forecasting
- forget - forgot - forgotten - forgetting
- forgive - forgave - forgiven - forgiving
- form - formed - formed - forming
- formulate - formulated - formulated - formulating
- forward - forwarded - forwarded - forwarding
- found - founded - founded - founding
- frame - framed - framed - framing
- free - freed - freed - freeing
- freeze - froze - frozen - freezing
- fulfill/fulfil - fulfilled - fulfilled - fulfilling/fulfilling
- function - functioned - functioned - functioning
- gain - gained - gained - gaining
- gather - gathered - gathered - gathering
- gaze - gazed - gazed - gazing
- generate - generated - generated - generating
- get - got - got/gotten - getting
- give - gave - given - giving
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